Invizimals Wiki
Color Red, Yellow, Green and White
Appearances Invizimals: Shadow Zone

Invizimals: The Lost Tribes

Element Fire
Resonance C7, C32


Pahoehoe is a beast that lives in volcanoes all over the world. Whenever she is furious, she becomes a lava that floods everything the surrounding area, burning it to the ground. Only those who enter her palace of fire shall see her face.


Δ Burn 43
Slice 31
O Charge 18
X Burn 18

How to capture[]

Invizimals Shadow Zone/ Lost Tribes: To capture Pahoehoe, you have to cross the lava pit. They grey ground is safe spots where you will return to if you fail. This one's rather simple, All you have to do is complete its board game puzzle to catch it, they appear and disappear in the following order: Pink, Green, Blue. White spaces are 100% safe and never vanish. There is multiple solutions to cross the pit but you can use this one:

In Game Appearances[]

Pahoehoe is a legendary fire Invizimal in Invizimal Shadow Zone. She resembles a snake like volcano, has wings , her hair resembles like a tree or a plant. She serves as the second boss of the second game.

Level 1 stats[]

Life 140
Stamina 100
Recovery 8
Attack 10
Armor 6


Pahoehoe is a defensive Invizimal. Pahoehoe has three good stats: life, stamina recovery, and armour. Good life and armour give Pahoehoe the prerequisite bulk to be a sturdy Invizimal, and the great stamina recovery she has allows her to regain lost stamina in a hurry. Pahoehoe's weaknesses are its poor stamina and attacking power. Pahoehoe's lacking attack means that she struggles at directly damaging enemies, and a lacking stamina stat means that Pahoehoe won't be able to do a lot of actions with a full bar of stamina, although this is mitigated greatly by her stamina recovery. Pahoehoe can defend in a more aggressive manner than most defensive Invizimals, being able to dodge much more often, as well as throw out more attacks to compensate for her otherwise lacking offensive presence.


  • She is the one of the only Invizimals to have an secondary background (lava pit)
  • In Invizimals TCG, her lava pit can still be seen, but invisible.
  • Pahoehoe, Salma, Dark Salma, Gorgon and Hydra are the most known snake like Invizimals.
  • Her file name in the game is "volcano goddess".
  • She might be the hardest to animate.
  • Her name is a reference to a type of cooled lava and her lore is a reference to Pele.